you know when we love someone surely we don't want to spoil the relation we don't want to do anything that might create a problem because we love them so much that fear of disturbing the relation or making them upset or angering them even that fear is born out of tremendous love I love you so much that if you say anything it's I'll do it it's okay fine why I just don't want to disturb the relation the example of Allah is higher than that if we develop a relationship with Allah born out of tremendous love of Allah you automatically fear disturbing that relationship and when that happens what I mean is when you've developed that relationship in such a beautiful way filled with true love of Allah Allah loves you back Allah loves you back just like the narration says whoever loves or is looking forward to with love the meeting with Allah Allah is looking forward to with love meeting them whoever is looking forward with love to the meeting with Allah to the day they are going to meet with Allah Allah is telling us that he loves he is also filled with that love towards that particular person meeting them towards meeting that particular person simple so why would I not fill my heart with love for Allah.